the whole concept of what development aid is, must be changed,
all the projects where something
like a building is beeing
put somewhere changes nothing, it is only good for presentation
in a brochure, or for the opening ceremony in the media,
image, but not development,
it changes nothing.
Things that change something, are local initiatives by
the local people, and small loans organised in groups, so
that they also help and advice each
other within the group. Also practical instructions (not
theory), with participation at all organizing levels like
village, government
and in education,
so that ownership emerges.
What we can give beside that is education, but only locally,
to ensure that the country does not loose the educated ones,
particularly medical education, even in local traditional
methods. We
really do not need (except in emergencies) to give material
help, which comes always with a negative influence
on development, because development is ability. The physical
products are coming in the future through the big companies
that come to Africa. Giving things for free
does not work, because the local rulers (businessmen
money) always do the distribution within the country, and
are taking money from the people, they will
have to buy rather than receive.
Development means that the people change, and then their
environment through them. So only things make sense,
which make people change. In some difficult cases, where
culture does not permit any change, particularly
in thinking, it may be necessary living with them for many
years, to give them
a different way of thinking, living a different way in front
of them, so that instead over thinking
it goes through the direct emotional (impact) experience.
Development assistance is now increasingly a global task
and responsibility, it's not just for poor people, but the
whole earth (mankind) is benefiting from it, if there are
no poor people (because of exclusion) any more, and if there
no irresponsible people there. Because peace is
only possible, if all participate in development, the
participation of everybody is important, to be part of it,
and that brings also diversity of all the development possibilities,
because we can not know where development goes to, there
is no end to it, and therefore there is also no definition
for development.