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Future Hope on Disability (FHODA) is a local, Non Governmental Organization, established in 2008 by development oriented individuals, who are dedicated to work for and with the disabled people in Ethiopia. The association is a non-political, non-religious, non-racial and non-profit making organization, whose resource is targeted at the most vulnerable society and devoted to bring long lasting sustainable development for people with disability.
In Ethiopia approximately 1 million people are disabled. 32% have leg or arm impairments and 19% suffer from deafness/speech impairment. Mental disability is frequent in the country. Traditionally there is a great stigma attached with disability.
The base line survey of disabled people in Ethiopia (1995) shows that 66.1% were illiterate, 17.5% had primary Education and 16.4% had secondary Education. The major problem for people with disability in the country is, there is a major gap between the need for mobility devices and the access to such devices in general, and for children in particular. Lack of access to assistive devices hinders PWD from starting professional careers, earning their living and contributing to society.
Considering many problems for disabled people in Ethiopia, FHODA aims to empower people with disabilities, socially and economically, through the provision of mobility aids. This will be done by building workshops to maintain and produce mobility devices locally.

Phone: +251-911-73 78 53

Teshome Gelaw, from Future hope on Disability (FHODA)
Addis, Ethiopia
- 19 November, 2008

We created this association to help the youngers and disfortuned women. These days many women are alone with their children and without income, because the men are sleeping with them for pleasure, but ignore them afterwards in life. We want to enable them to do a job or start a trade, for which they need to borrow money and pay it back later, so that they can support their children and give them an adequate education. Otherwise these children are growing up uncared in an environment which leaves no option but crime, which put already many youngsters at the age of 25 in prison. Besides this financial support which we want to give in the future, there are already weekly meetings of the affected woman, where they collect inforation, discuss and learn about options to change their situation.

Presently there are 250 Woman waiting for support, but we want to extend our program throughout all West Adrica, We hope to get some funding from abroad, so that we can change the future, which is our forgotten children.

Mobilephone: +223-6210839
Telephone: +223-2431200

UDFHJFDA, Union Pour le Developpement des Femmes Handicape et Jeunes Filles Descolarisees D'Afrique
BP 228, Mopti, Mali
- 08 October, 2007


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